Odin Password Secure Manager

As a PC user, you will understand the need to keep track of numerous passwords and names. One solution is to write them down or store them on your PC but this is risky. Anyone can read your lists and gain access to your valuable data or even worse, your bank account details. Odin Password Secure Manager is a password storage program that will relieve you of the password management chore while offering you complete security and peace of mind.
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68 votes Vote

To be useful this needs to be a portable application. Uninstalled.

Make it a pprtable application
Mark Griffiths, 17.07.2011, 09:26
1 comment
31 votes Vote

Of all programs, this would be a perfect program to make a portable program

Nicholi1120, 17.07.2011, 07:25
21 votes Vote

Create a Multi-Platform Program FOR Mobiles/iPhones ect...

I feel this sort of thing is needed to beat competitors who already have this. It is very handy to the customer because you can access your data on the move.
harlawkid, 17.07.2011, 07:58
18 votes Vote

Add some basic help files. The online help files have links to different programs (eg DVD ripper). This gives the user little confidence in the security of this program.

Peter Jones, 17.07.2011, 08:36
17 votes Vote

Hello... How about the ability of resizing the main window and also having the program remember its window position withing the desktop... Thanks !

Hector, 17.07.2011, 08:24
8 votes Vote

This is small application, so it shouold be portable and freeware.

Daniel, 17.07.2011, 11:09